Mela Muter was the pseudonym used by Maria Melania Mutermilch, one of the most recognized painters of the early 20th century. Born in Warsaw in 1876 into an educated and wealthy Jewish family, in 1901 she moved to Paris with her husband, the writer and art critic Michel Mutermilch. From 1902 he exhibited regularly at the different Salons. Linked to the community of Polish artists in Paris, she actively participated in the cultural and artistic life of the city.
Mela Muter and Polish Artists in Catalonia, curated by Glòria Bosch, Susanna Portell and Arthur Tanikowski, presents the artistic and vital journey of this woman, with around sixty works by Muter, accompanied by other representatives of avant-garde Polish artists with whom she was linked: Olga Boznańska, Eugene Zak, Elie Nadelman or Léopold Gottlieb, among others. ASOM Collection is proud to contribute 8 works by Muter to this survey of the artist, which brings spotlight to one of the avant-garde painters forgotten by art history.